Connect with Your Support Hub

Welcome to Your Support Hub, a place where you can find support and resources, and connect with the follicular lymphoma community. As you’ll see from the information on this site, no one’s journey is the same. But one thing we know for sure is that because of scientific breakthroughs, many people with FL are not only managing it, but also living longer and happier lives.

Our Upcoming

Join our next webinar on March 27th
When FL Changes: Understanding Progression & Transformation


Living well with FL

Learn how to better manage the
emotional and social challenges
of living with FL.


Understanding FL

Learn more about FL diagnosis, treatments, remission and maintenance, and dealing with when FL returns or changes.


Reading personal stories

Read real stories of hope
and resilience from people
living with FL.


Connecting with others

Connect with others who
understand what you're
going through.


Your voice

Share your story and get
involved in shaping our work
and research programs.


Our webinars

Register for our upcoming webinars
from FL experts and catch up on
previous webinar recordings.



Understand key medical
terms related to FL and
its treatments.



Find answers to frequently
asked questions about FL diagnosis, treatment, and care.


Living well with FL

Living well with FL is about prioritizing your self-care and finding ways to maintain your physical and emotional well-being. We will provide you with strategies for coping with the challenges of FL, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle including topics such as nutrition and exercise, to reducing your stress. We want to provide you with practical tips and advice to improve your quality of life and live well with FL.

Understanding FL

Living with FL can be challenging. As a patient led organization, our priority is ensuring that you are living well and get well. Therefore, our team of experts are here to provide you with trustworthy evidence-based information and advice on how to manage your FL symptoms and treatments.

This section is dedicated to providing you with information on how to manage and cope with the physical and emotional challenges of FL. You’ll find a wealth of information on topics related to your diagnosis and treatment, as well as what to expect if your FL returns or changes.


Connecting with others

Hearing from others who have gone through similar experiences can be a great source of comfort, knowledge, and inspiration. Our Connect with Others area is a space where you can connect with the FL community, either by reading or sharing your experiences, or by joining the Living with Follicular Lymphoma Facebook group. We’ll also be adding any helpful resources or information on other support groups and community events as the hub develops.

We hope that by connecting with others who understand what you’re going through, it can offer reassurance, a powerful source of support, and a space for you to provide advice to others.

Your voice

We appreciate how important it is to give you the opportunity to share your personal story and help shape our work and research programs. By sharing your experiences, insights, and ideas, you can help us better understand the needs of the FL community and improve the support and resources we provide.

You can also sign up to learn more about ways you can get involved in our work and research opportunities as they happen. From giving us feedback on our programs to taking part in future clinical trials, you can help us in shaping our work to find a cure.


Attending our webinars

Our webinar series and recordings are a great place to access educational webinars from FL experts and researchers from across the globe, but also from people living with FL. We hope to cover a range of topics through our webinar series, from the latest advances in treatments to practical tips for living well with FL, to ‘Ask the doctor’.

Whether you’re newly diagnosed or have been living with FL for some time, our webinars can help you better understand FL and give you the knowledge to make informed decisions about your care.

Register for our upcoming educational webinars from FL experts and patients to help you better understand your condition.


Our glossary is a helpful tool for patients and their loved ones to better understand the medical terminology related to follicular lymphoma and its treatments. We want you to feel in control when it comes to decision making about your FL treatment journey and the first step of that is having a clear understanding of the medical terms. Whether you’re newly diagnosed or looking to check a word you haven’t heard before, then our glossary can be an excellent resource for you.



Our FAQs section is a valuable resource for people living with FL as it’s an area that provides clear and concise answers to commonly asked questions. Whether you have a question about FL itself, its treatments, or how to manage specific symptoms, our FAQs section is here to help. If there’s a question that you think should be added to the FAQs then please do get in touch and let us know.