A big thank-you to all at Henry and Esther’s Golden Anniversary celebration

Henry and Esther’s Golden Anniversary celebration

Henry and Esther Shirman, two supporters that have been with the FLF since day one, recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, and they certainly did so in style! Fifty years on, they decided to recreate a special photo from their wedding day – with Esther even wearing her actual wedding dress. With the pair dressed […]

The fabulous kindness of the Snowdown Colliery Welfare Brass Band


The wonderful Snowdown Colliery Welfare Brass Band recently (October 8th) created a fabulous afternoon of music for the local community of Dover, Kent. The band played music chosen by one of the band members who has been diagnosed with FL and is currently in remission. The band aimed to raise funds for FLF and also […]

Antibody response to CoV-2 vaccines

Follicular Lymphoma Foundation Purple Logo

Interesting summary of the impact and effectiveness of antibody responses to SARS- CoV-2 vaccines in patients with hematologic malignancies. A project from Michael J. Garil Data Collective, and supported by the Leukemia & Lymphoma society. Read full article

Blood tests in Follicular Lymphoma


For many people living with Follicular Lymphoma, periodic blood tests become a regular feature. There are several reasons you might need blood tests when affected by Follicular Lymphoma (FL), a form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. But does lymphoma show up in blood work? Generally, the answer is no, FL is rarely detected on standard or “routine” […]

Everything you need to know about Follicular Lymphoma clinical trials


What are clinical trials? Any potential treatments for Follicular Lymphoma (and other forms of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma) must undergo extensive testing. They must be fully researched to confirm that they work, are safe to use, and are more effective than other current treatments.  Clinical trials test the treatment’s effects on human participants and are split into four […]

What are clinical trials?

Precision Medicine Programme - Follicular Lymphoma Foundation

Any potential treatments for Follicular Lymphoma (and other forms of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma) must undergo extensive testing. They must be fully researched to confirm that they work, are safe to use, and are more effective than other current treatments.  Clinical trials test the treatment’s effects on human participants and are split into four phases. By joining […]

Nicky Greenhalgh – Founder of Living with Follicular Lymphoma community

Cure FL Awards - Follicular Lymphoma Foundation

Nicky shares her FL story and her amazing journey which lead to her establishing the Living with Follicular Lymphoma social community Facebook – the largest FL community in the world. “Does that mean I have cancer?” “Yes” Cue punch in the face! That is what it was like for me. Even though I was not […]