Share Your Experience Living with Follicular Lymphoma:
Take Our Short Survey

We need your voice! Share your experience through a brief, anonymous survey to influence vital discussions and help individuals living with follicular lymphoma. 

The FLF Patient Survey on treatment preferences is Live!

Survey open from 13th to 30th September – don’t miss your chance to make an impact.

Your insights will play a crucial role in shaping discussions at the upcoming American Society of Hematology (ASH) conference, the largest gathering of hematology experts in the world.

FLF’s CMO, Dr Mitchell Smith, discusses the importance of the patient voice in advancing research in follicular lymphoma. 

Why your input matters

Your experiences provide unique, real-world insights that healthcare professionals and researchers need to hear.

Your feedback will directly influence an upcoming session of healthcare providers and researchers at ASH, ensuring the patient perspective is central to the conversation. To read more about the FLF at ASH in previous years see our articles from ASH 2023, ASH 2022, and ASH 2021.

By participating, you’ll help highlight the challenges faced by patients like you and guide future care improvements.

Why we’re doing this survey

 To ensure that healthcare providers and researchers understand the day-to-day realities of living with follicular lymphoma.

 To bring patient voices to the forefront of research and treatment discussions, making this standard practice in the future.

 To bridge the gap between medical knowledge and the real-world experience of patients, ultimately improving care and outcomes.

 Advance research towards a cure and incorporate patient preferences into clinical practice.

Your voice is central to FLF’s mission to find a cure for follicular lymphoma, and we are committed to ensuring it is heard. We deeply appreciate everyone who has participated in this and previous surveys – your contributions truly matter. We’ll share the key insights from this survey back with the FL community.

Additionally, we’re excited to announce that the results from the Immunotherapy survey conducted in June will be available shortly. Stay tuned for updates!

By completing this survey you are consenting to data being used for our programs. This survey is completely anonymous.   For information about how FLF look after your data, please visit our website:

We are working in collaboration with Clinical Care Options on this program and thank them for their support.