Your voice

Share your story and stay up-to-date on ways to get involved in our work and research opportunities. We’ll continue to update this space with new ways that we can work together to find a cure for follicular lymphoma.

Share your story

Patient stories help others like yourself to feel inspired. Hearing about someone else’s journey with FL can be empowering and often contributes to the sense of community between FL patients. 
We encourage you to share your experience and invite you to complete our patient stories request form. Please feel free to include as much detail as you feel comfortable with; the more information you can share with your fellow FL patients, the more they may feel they are less alone. And if you prefer to remain anonymous, we totally understand, but we’d still appreciate hearing from you. 

Help shape our work

Receive FLF updates and help shape our work. With patients at the heart of everything we do – we need to ensure our work is informed by people affected by follicular lymphoma. Sign up below to register to our email communications to learn more about ways to get involved in our work and research opportunities as they happen.

We’d love to keep you posted with our news, activities, research opportunities and how you can help in other ways.